With the high demands and an ongoing expectation to meet the needs of students and their families, trusted digital credentialing ecosystems and digital adoption is the way of the future. 

Join CSSD and Digitary August 18, 2022 at 12:00 PM AEST (10:00 AM CST) as we discuss and present how organisations can receive verified credentials of Chinese nationals via CSSD and the integration partnership with the Digitary, MyCreds | MesCertif and My eQuals Receive Portals available to Australian and NZ and Canadian organisations in admissions and applications.


  • How organisations obtain verified credentials of Chinese nationals through CSSD
  • An overview and preview of the Digitary & My eQuals 'Receive Portal'
  • A look at how Chinese students request verified credentials through CSSD and the process undertaken
  • An update from CSSD on the verified reports available and English translation of student records
  • A look at how Chinese applicants share their verified records and how it's received by Admission teams within the 'Receive Portal

Register for the webinar today! 

Thursday, August 18, 2022, at 12:00 pm AEST (10:00 am CST) 

Mr. Cheng Weixing
Director of Information Division and Admission Service Division

Center for Student Services and Development, Ministry of Education, P.R. China (CSSD) 
(formerly known as CHESICCC)
Mr. Chen Wenjun (Edward)
Assistant Manager, International Promotion Department

Center for Student Services and Development, Ministry of Education, P.R. China (CSSD) 
(formerly known as CHESICCC)
mr. daniel hibbert
Commercial Director

Digitary by Parchment
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Speaker Title

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